
carbonated soft drink

H2oh!, one of Pepsico’s biggest brands in Latin America, challenged us to produce all the brand’s content for the entire region in one place. We built a big production with over 25 talents and 15 different products. In three days we produced more than 180 assets for digital and a photoshoot with talents to be used in different media platforms according to each country’s needs. With only one big production, all of H2oh!’s teams throughout Latam have a large set of assets they can use for their media strategies. 


                                                                                                                                                            SANDRA WEISINGER: Creative Direction                                                                                                                                             
SIMON DE FRANCA: Director                                                                                                                                                                                        JOSE GREGORIO DE FRANCA: Director of Photography
FLORENCIO ROS: Creative Direction

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